We're in the midst of a 12month research project funded in partnership with Growing Faith Foundation and Liverpool Hope University.
We're exploring how churches and schools can most effectively empower parents. We are hoping to have a mid point report available in summer 2023...watch this space!
Here is the ppt from one of the resource sessions for churches who are part of the project.

Thank you, Sarah for your ongoing work to strengthen children's and family ministry - a wonderful gift to God's people! Your research continues to sharpen my thinking and writing, most recently as I've endeavoured to empower and equip parents through my articles in the Christian Parenting Basics Blog: https://christianparentingbasics.com/
Thank you for your tremendous contribution to the thinking and dialogue about children’s and family ministry, particularly your focus on research. Your articles are much appreciated and often inform my writing in the Children’s Ministry Basics Blog: https://childrensministrybasics.com/
Dr. Lawson Murray