nurturing young faith.com

Key Research Interests
Children's faith and spirituality, particularly nurturing of faith within the family context and issues surrounding nurturing children's faith effectively and ethically.
Broader research interests are: Religious Education, dynamics of extended family, post-partum support for mothers, and child and family well-being.
Please get in touch if you are interested in any of these topics. It'd be great to have a conversation!
Mainstream Publications
2022 Research Report: What is the place of families in church post-Covid?
2022 Research Report: Do church structures enable children & family ministry to grow?
2021 Research Report: Does the Church have a plan for reaching children?
Academic Publications
2021 “Will my child have their own faith?” Exploring the impact of parental beliefs on childhood faith nurture, Journal of Beliefs and Values
2021 ‘Do contemporary Christian families need the church? Examining the benefits of faith communities from parent and child perspectives’, Practical Theology,
2021 Investigating the impact of covid-19 socialisation restrictions on children’s spiritual well-being: Case Studies from Poland and the UK, International Journal Children’s Spirituality.
2021 'Reflections on Ministry amongst Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic', Journal of Youth and Theology.
2021 'The Changing Nature of Ministry amongst Children and Families in the UK during the Covid-19 Pandemic', Christian Education Journal
2020. 'An exploration of online Christian faith nurture for children, using UK churches as a case study', International Journal of Christianity & Education.
2020. 'Transforming the resourcing of christenings in the Anglican diocese of Liverpool', Practical Theology.
2019. ‘Play Based Interview Techniques’, in Brown, Z. & Perkins, H. (Eds.) Beyond the Conventional: Using innovative methods in early years research, London: Sage Publications, pp.92-108.
2017. ‘Help or Hindrance? Exploring the effects upon the whole child of styles of Christian faith nurture’, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 22:3-4, 274-290.
2016. ‘Observing Christian Faith During the Childhood Years’, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 21:3-4, pp. 177-190.
2016. ‘How do I know God loves me?’ Book Review, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 21:1, pp.80-81.
Academic Experience
PhD “Investigation into faith transmission in the family context in the early years” – Cliff College/ University of Manchester, awarded 2017.
Successful applications to grant making trusts, gaining support towards research (The Mylne Trust, St Luke’s College Foundation, Foundation of St Matthias, St Christopher's Educational Trust, Culham St Gabriel’s)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2019.
Part of a steering group in the “Three Steps to Christening” Research Project, Liverpool Diocese, June 2017-June 2020.
Facilitating 'Reflecting on Growing Faith' Research Project, Liverpool Diocese, January 2021-present.
Presented paper entitled “The Effect of Parents on their Child’s Faith in Everyday Life”, International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry, VU University, Amsterdam, April 2016
Presented paper entitled “Needle in a Haystack: Identifying Faith in Early Childhood”, Faith, Formation & Education Conference, Liverpool Hope University, July 2016
Presented paper entitled “Help or Hindrance? Exploring the effects upon the whole child of three contrasting styles of Christian faith nurture.”, International Association of Children’s Spirituality, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, July 2016.
Presentation of paper at EECERA, Dublin, August 2016.
Seminar series speaker at Presbyterian Church Ireland Special Assembly, August 2017 “Discipleship in the Home”.​​